La bellezza della fatica e il gusto dell'impresa


Domande Frequenti

Di seguito alcune delle domande frequenti che abbiamo ricevuto. Continueremo ad aggiornare questa lista, quindi sentitevi liberi di farvi riferimento. 

Q : Come posso registrarmi per Eroica Japan? 

A : Registrate le informazioni necessarie su MY EROICA, quindi acquistate i vari eventi (MAPEI RIDE, EROICA JAPAN RIDE, CIAO EROICA, Concorso d'Eleganza) sulla pagina MY EROICA e completate il processo E-check


Q: Come posso prenotare un alloggio dall'estero?

A: Si prega di contattare l'agenzia di viaggio ufficiale di Eroica Japan, Bond Travel.

Email: [email protected] 

Q: Cos'è l'E-check?

A: I partecipanti a Eroica Japan devono ritirare il loro kit gara (numero di pettorale e roadbook) durante il check-in. In quel momento verrà richiesta la prova della verifica di sicurezza della bicicletta e la prova dell'assicurazione sulla bicicletta. I partecipanti che non possono fornire queste prove non potranno partecipare all'evento. I partecipanti che inviano questa prova tramite il processo E-check in anticipo possono completare facilmente le procedure necessarie il giorno dell'evento e ritirare senza problemi il loro kit gara. Chi desidera partecipare deve completare l'E-check in anticipo.


Q: Cos'è il CIAO EROICA pre-dinner

A: CIAO EROICA è una cena speciale che si svolge come parte del pre-evento di Eroica Japan, con il significato di "Ciao, Eroica" in italiano. Questo evento è un'opportunità importante per i partecipanti e lo staff di incontrarsi e godere di un momento piacevole insieme, costruendo connessioni e legami. Per maggiori dettagli, si prega di consultare le informazioni qui. 

Q: Come posso partecipare come volontario per Eroica Japan? 

A: Si prega di candidarsi tramite questa pagina. 

Q: Is there any bike parking (bike racks, etc.) around the Eroica Village?

A: Except for some areas, there are no bike parking facilities such as bike racks around the Eroica Village venue. Please handle your bicycle with consideration for the safety of pedestrians and passing vehicles within the venue.

Q: Is there a dedicated parking lot for participants?

A: There is no dedicated parking lot for Eroica Japan participants. Those arriving by car are kindly requested to use nearby paid parking or confirm with their accommodation regarding parking availability during the event period.

Q: When can I register for the pre-event party on Apr 12?

A: Registration for the pre-event party CIAO EROICAwill begin in late Jan on MY EROICA. You can also register through the following page:


Q: Can I participate in the main event (Eroica Classic on Apr 12) with a modern bicycle?

A: Modern bicycles are not eligible for the second day. For details on eligible bicycles for the second day's event, please refer to section "12.4 Eligible Bicycles for Eroica Japan Classic Ride" on the following page:


Q: What do "Early Bird" and "Early Bird COMBI" mean?

A: - Early Bird: This is a discounted registration option available until March 3.
- COMBI: This is a special discounted package that includes the MAPEI Ride on April 12 and the main event on April 13.

PLS check EJ Official calendar:


Q: Are there any recommended hotels or Airbnbs near the Starting point?

A: The venue (Eroica Village) is located in a central hotel district, so there are plenty of accommodation options nearby, ranging from budget-friendly to luxury. You can find a hotel that suits your needs by searching through this link:
Veanue address:


Q: I have travel insurance that covers bike compensation. Does that qualify for joining the ride?

A: Yes, as long as it’s comprehensive liability insurance covering injuries to others and property damage. You’ll need to declare your insurance company in the Eroica Japan pre-check system "E-check", available from mid-January. If not, show the insurance contract when you pick up your bib number at Eroica HQ. Failure to meet the requirements may result in denied join.



Q: When I try to purchase Eroica Japan or MAPEI Friend on MY EROICA, it shows "Concourse d'Elegance", What is this?

A: "Concourse d'Elegance" is an Elegant bicycle competition scheduled to take place on April 12 at Eroica Village.


Q: What is Combination, and what type of entry does it refer to?

A: Combination is a special discounted set that includes entry for both the MAPEI Ride on April 12 and the Eroica Classic (main event) on April 13.


Q: I encountered an issue on the Stripe payment screen via MyEroica, where an Italian message stated, “There was a problem with the payment; please contact the administrator for support.” Assuming the payment had failed, I tried purchasing again, only to find out that the payment had already gone through, resulting in a double payment.

A: If a similar issue occurs, please do not attempt to make another payment immediately. First, check your email for a payment confirmation. If you cannot confirm the payment, please contact us via this LINE account or by phone. In the case of a double payment, refunds will be issued, but please note that a credit card processing fee of approximately 5% will be deducted. We kindly ask for your understanding and attention to this matter. 

Q: When will the registration for Eroica Japan 2025, scheduled for April, open?

A:We are planning to start in early January 2025. Details will be announced via this LINE account.



▪Indirizzo: 2-14-10 Gohongi, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0053
▪Orari di apertura: 10:00-18:00 (Chiuso il lunedì e il martedì)
▪Telefono: 81-3-6914-7070
▪Mobile: 81-80-4100-0202

LINE Ufficiale:
*Per questioni urgenti, ti consigliamo di contattarci tramite l'app LINE.
▪Link Tree:
▪MAIL: [email protected] 

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